Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Real Estate Education Has Anyone Taken Online Real Estate Continuing Education Courses? Would You Recommend Them?

Has anyone taken online Real Estate Continuing Education Courses? Would you recommend them? - real estate education

I have always been real classes, but not planning, this year. He wanted to know if online courses, some schools are good enough for the state, and it is the comment of course. They have a good or bad experiences? I live in Michigan.


Craig T said...

I can not answer for Michigan, I am licensed "it" but I have all my online classes in the IT and CE were very satisfied.

dog ma said...

Personally I've always had with them before - I liked the give and take with teachers and other employees. Then I moved to the countryside and disadvantages found in order to enter the city for the classes. Online courses are less expensive and is not the time to do the regular classroom. It is much easier to sit at their computer and read at your leisure! Make sure they are certified in your state - they can use their certificates to the Department of Real Estate, send or print and send in. It's almost too easy.

sophieb said...

I used to ask local businesses to read and test the Open title and submit the results online or by mail. In the end it was a test, then do it and obtaining a diploma.

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